Brian Tracy
Did you ever stop to think that everything you are or ever will be is completely up to you? Just imagine! You are where you are because of who you are. Everything that exists in your life exists because of you, because of your behavior, words and actions. Because you have freedom of choice and because you have chosen each and every circumstance of your life, you are completely responsible for all of your success and failure, your happiness and unhappiness, your present and future.
That thought is like a parachute jump: It's scary and exhilarating at the same time. It's one of the biggest and most important ideas that can ever occur to you, or anyone else. The acceptance of personal responsibility is what separates the adult from the child. It's the great leap forward into maturity. Responsibility is the hallmark of the fully integrated, fully functioning human being. Responsibility goes hand in hand with success, achievement, motivation, happiness and self-actualization. It's the absolute minimum requirement for the accomplishment of everything you could ever really want in life. Accepting that you're completely responsible for yourself and realizing that no one is coming to the rescue is the beginning of peak performance. There's very little that you cannot do or have after you accept that “If it's to be, it's up to me!”
The opposite of accepting responsibility is making excuses and blaming people and things for what's going on in your life. And since everything we do is a matter of habit, if people get into the habit of making excuses, they get into the habit of evading responsibility at the same time. If they set a goal or objective for themselves, they immediately create an excuse that they hold in reserve just in case the accomplishment of the goal is too difficult or requires more self-discipline and persistence than they had thought. As soon as things start to go poorly, irresponsible people trot out their excuse and let themselves off the hook. But that won't get them anywhere in the long run.
A basic law of human life was first espoused by Socrates more than 400 years before Christ. It's called the Law of Causality. We call it the Law of Cause and Effect. It states that for every effect in your life, there's a cause. If there's any effect that you desire, or desire more of, you can trace it back to the cause, and by duplicating the cause, you can have the effect.
For example, everyone wants to be healthy. If you set a high level of physical health and energy as your goal, or the desired effect, you can have it simply by finding out the cause, by finding out what other healthy and energetic people do with regard to diet, exercise and rest, and by doing the same thing. If you do, you're likely to get the same result. This is no miracle. It sounds simple, but in many cases, it's one of the hardest things in the world to do.
Unhappiness is an effect as well. If you wish to be happy, the first thing to do is to decide for yourself the kind of life situation in which you would feel wonderful. Think of the very best times of your life, and think of what you were doing, where you were doing it, and the people you were with at the time. Then write out, in complete detail, a description of your ideal lifestyle. Now you have defined the effect that you desire.
Next, look at your current life and ask yourself, “What are all the things in my life that are inconsistent with the lifestyle that would make me happy?” In other words, look at the causes of the effects that you don't like. Then make a decision to begin alleviating or removing those causes, one by one, until what you have left is the kind of life you want to live.
Your thoughts are extremely powerful. They have the power to raise and lower your blood pressure, your pulse rate and your respiratory rate. They can affect your digestion. And if your thoughts are strong enough, they can even make you sick or healthy. Your thoughts tend to trigger images in your mind, and the feelings in your body are consistent with them. If you think or read happy, healthy thoughts, you will have happy, healthy pictures and experience happy, healthy emotions. As Deepak Chopra points out in his audiocassette program Magical Mind, Magical Body, every part of your mind is connected to every single part of your body in a complex web of messages and impulses that affect everything you feel, say and do.
Only you can think your thoughts, only you can decide what you'll dwell upon, what you'll read and listen to, who you'll associate with and the conversations you'll engage in; therefore, you are totally responsible for all the consequences of all those behaviors. It's unavoidable.
Perhaps the most important part of the subject of self-responsibility involves your happiness and your peace of mind. There seems to be a direct relationship between responsibility and happiness on the one hand, and irresponsibility and unhappiness on the other hand. Let me explain.
First of all, the key to happiness is having a sense of control over what's going on in your life. The more you feel that you're in control, the happier you'll be. Men and women who have risen to the top of their organizations tend to be far happier than people further down. This is because they feel far more in control of their destinies, far more capable of making decisions and taking action. The more responsibility you take in your company, the more power, authority and respect you'll receive. One of the smartest things you can do is to take responsibility for the most important concerns of your boss. The more you accept responsibility for getting results in the areas that your boss considers most important, the more valuable and indispensable you'll become in your organization. People who want more money and more respect often think that they can get it simply by asking for it or by politicking. The truth is that it will accrue to you rapidly as soon as you “step up to the plate” and undertake responsibility for results in your organization. The most respected people in any company are those who are the most capable of getting the most important jobs done on schedule.
The more responsibility you take, the more in control you are. And the freer you are, especially in your own mind, to make decisions and to do the things you want to do. So there's a direct relationship between responsibility, control, freedom and happiness. The happiest people in the world are those who feel absolutely terrific about themselves, and this is the natural outgrowth of accepting total responsibility for every part of their lives.
At the other end of the spectrum, there is irresponsibility, or the failure to accept responsibility. Each person is somewhere in between, moving toward a higher level of responsibility or irresponsibility with every word and every decision. In fact, a good definition of insanity is total irresponsibility, to the point of needing a straitjacket and a padded cell. Thomas Szasz, the great psychoanalyst, once wrote, “There is no such thing as insanity. There are only varying levels of irresponsibility.”
A person who is completely irresponsible is subject to anger, hostility, fear, resentment, doubt-all sorts of negative emotions. And here's why. All negative emotions tend to be associated with blame. Fully 99 percent of all our problems exist only because we're able to blame someone or something for them. The instant we stop blaming, our negative emotions begin disappearing.
What's the antidote to blaming? It's simple! Since your mind can hold only one thought at a time, either positive or negative, you can override the tendency to blame and become angry simply by saying, firmly, “I am responsible!” You can't accept responsibility for a situation and be angry at the same time. You can't accept responsibility and be unhappy or upset. The acceptance of responsibility negates negative emotions and short-circuits any tendencies toward unhappiness.
The very act of accepting responsibility calms your mind and clarifies your vision. It soothes your emotions and enables you to think more positively and constructively. In fact, the acceptance of responsibility often gives you insight into what you should do to resolve the situation.
Here's an exercise: Look at the most common problems and difficulties that people have in life. Apply this simple remedy of accepting responsibility to each one, and see what happens.
People have problems with other people-their spouses, their children, their friends, their coworkers and their bosses. Someone once said that almost all of our problems in life have hair on top, come on two legs and talk back. So think of the people in your life who cause you any stress or anxiety and ask yourself who is responsible. Are they responsible for being in your life, or are you responsible for having them in your life?
According to the Law of Attraction, you're a living magnet in that you invariably attract people into your life who harmonize with your dominant thoughts and emotions. The people in your life are there because you've attracted them by the person you are, by the thoughts you hold, by the emotions you experience. If you're not happy with the people surrounding you, you're responsible. You're attracting them, and you're keeping them there.
Let me give you an example. I have four beautiful children. For a long time, when my children were behaving in ways that I felt were inappropriate, I had a tendency to blame or criticize them. However, the more I studied child raising and learned about the subject, the more I found that children are almost totally reactive. Their behaviors are almost always responses to what is going on around them and to their relationships with their parents. So I began asking the question, “What is it in me that is causing my child to act this way?” As soon as I turned the question around, and looked to myself for the reason-in effect, accepted complete responsibility for my children's behavior-I was able to see what I might be doing, or not doing, that my children were reacting to. Perhaps I wasn't spending enough one-on-one time with them. Perhaps I wasn't listening to them when they wanted to talk. Perhaps I was too quick to question their report cards.
I began to apply that simple principle to every other part of my life as well. I began asking, “What is it in me that is causing this external situation?” If the Law of Correspondence is true (and it is), and everything that is happening to you on the outside is due to something that is happening to you on the inside, then the first place to look is within. As soon as you do that, you begin to see things that you had completely missed when you were busy blaming others and making excuses. You begin to see that you're responsible in large measure for the things that are happening to you.
If you're in a bad relationship, who got you there? You likely weren't marched into the relationship and kept there at gunpoint. So it's largely a matter of free will and free choice on your part. If you're not happy, it's up to you to do something about it. As Henry Ford II once said, “Never complain, never explain.” If you're not happy with the situation, do something about it. If you're not willing to do something about it, then don't complain.
There's the story of the construction worker who opens up his lunch box at the noon break and unwraps his sandwich to find that it contains sardines. He gets really upset and complains loudly to everyone around him about how much he hates sardines. The next day, the same thing happens: a sardine sandwich. Again, the construction worker shouts and complains about how much he hates sardines for lunch. The third day it happens again. By this time, his fellow workers are getting fed up with his loud complaining. One of them leans over and says to him, “If you hate sardines so much, why don't you tell your wife to make you some other kind of sandwich?” The construction worker turns to the fellow and says, “Oh, I'm not married. I make my own lunches!”
Many of us get into the same situation as the construction worker's and complain about circumstances that are almost entirely of our own making. Is this true for you? Look over your relationships and ask where this might be true in your life.
Are you happy with your job? Are you happy with the amount of money you're earning? Are you happy with your level of responsibility and your activities each day? If you're not, you need to accept that you're completely responsible for every aspect of your job and your career. Why? Because you chose it freely. You took the job, you assumed the responsibilities, and you accepted the wage. If you're not happy with any of them, for any reason, then it's up to you to do something different.
You're earning today exactly what you're worth-not a penny more, not a penny less. In life, we tend to get exactly what we deserve. If you're not satisfied with the amount you're getting, look around you, at people who are doing the kind of work you would like to do and earning the kind of money you would like to earn. Ask them what they're doing differently from what you're doing. What are the causes of the effects they're getting? Once you know what they are, accept complete responsibility for your situation, apply your wonderful mind and abilities, back them with willpower and self-discipline, and get busy making the changes you need to make to enjoy the life you want to enjoy.
Your great aim in life is to develop character. Character is composed of self-esteem, self-discipline, the ability to delay gratification, and the willingness to accept full responsibility for your life and everything in it. The more you say to yourself, “I am responsible,” the stronger, better and finer a person you become. And every part of your life will improve at the same time.
Brian Tracy is a leading authority on personal and business success. As Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, he is the best-selling author of 17 books and over 300 audio and video learning programs.
Never Assume!
A key skill of listening is to question for clarification. The fact is that the prospect often says something that is subject to misinterpretation. Often it is vague or unclear, even to the prospect. Your basic operating principle should be that, if there is any doubt at all as to what the prospect needs, then you didn't really understand. When you question for clarification, you not only get an opportunity to listen more while the prospect is answering the question, you always assure that what the prospect says and what you heard are the same. Again, questioning for clarification slows the conversation down, increases the clarity of the communication and builds greater trust.
My favorite question in selling is, "How do you mean?" Or, "How do you mean, exactly?" You can use this question after almost any statement by the prospect. It is an irresistible question and it is virtually impossible for a person to hear it without expanding on what they are thinking or what they previously said. Whenever you have any doubts at all, or whenever the prospect objects to any facet of your offering, simply pause, smile and ask, "How do you mean, exactly?" Never assume that you know or understand before you have questioned and gotten accurate clarification of exactly what the prospect meant when he or she asked a question or offered an objection. Always ask, “How do you mean?” Now, here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, never assume that you fully understand what the customer said or meant when he objects or asks questions. Second, use the power of questions to learn more about what the customer really needs, wants and is concerned about. Telling is not selling; only asking questions is selling.
Brian Tracy is a leading authority on personal and business success. As Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, he is the best-selling author of 17 books and over 300 audio and video learning programs.
Tidak bisa kita pungkiri Olympiade 2008 di Beijing yang acara pembukaannya berlangsung sukses dan spektakuler tersebut mengundang decak kagum semua orang Cina yang sekarang muncul sebagai negara super power dahulunya pernah sangat miskin. Dengan jumlah penduduk yang berjumlah 1 milyar kala itu bukan barang mudah bagi pemerintah Cina untuk mensejahterakan rakyatnya. Hutang luar negeri dari negara tetangga terdekat pun menjadi gantungan yaitu dari negara Uni Sovyet. Alkisah suatu hari terjadi perselisihan paham antara Mao Zedong pemimpin Cina era itu dengan pemimpin Sovyet. Perselisihan begitu panas sampai keluar statement dari pemimpin Sovyet, " Sampai rakyat Cina harus berbagi 1 celana dalam untuk 2 orang pun, Cina tetap tidak akan mampu membayar hutangnya. ! "
Ucapan yang sangat menyinggung perasaan rakyat Cina itupun disampaikan Mao kepada rakyatnya dengan cara menyiarkannya lewat siaran radio,perihal penghinaan dari pemimpin Sovyet itu, secara terus menerus dari pagi hingga malam ke seluruh negeri sambil mengajak segenap rakyat Cina untuk bangkit dan melawan penghinaan tersebut dengan cara berkorban.
Ajakan Mao kepada rakyatnya adalah menyisihkan 1 butir beras, ya, hanya 1 butir beras untuk setiap anggota keluarga, setiap kali mereka akan memasak. Jika 1 rumah tangga terdiri dari 3 orang maka cukup sisihkan 3 butir beras. Nah , beras yang disisihkan dari 1 Milyar penduduk Cina tersebut, tidak dikorupsi tentunya akan menghasilkan 1 milyar butir beras setiap hari. Hasilnya dikumpulkan ke pemerintah untuk dijual. Uangnya digunakan untuk membayar hutang kepada negara pemberi hutang, yang telah menghina mereka. Akhirnya Cina berhasil melunasi hutang mereka ke Sovyet dalam waktu yang sangat cepat.
Keterhinaan yang mendalam telah membangkitkan rasa nasionalisme Cina untuk bangkit melawan hinaan tersebut dengan tindakan nyata, bukan hanya tindakan seremonial, pidato atau upacara di stadion besar.
Kiranya kisah di atas bisa dijadikan contoh bagi bangsa kita yang tengah terpuruk di antara bangsa-bangsa sekitarnya dan sebentar lagi akan merayakan Dirgahayu Kemerdekaannya yang ke - 63.
Potensi manusia Indonesia yang demikian besar selama ini tidak menjadi kekuatan bahkan sebaliknya menjadi beban karena masih banyaknya tikus yang berada di lumbung beras Republik Indonesia Kita sering silau oleh hal-hal besar namun seringkali mengabaikan kekuatan dari hal kecil yang tidak dilakukan dengan sepenuh hati. Sebutir padi sehari bisa membalik keadaan terhina menjadi terangkat. Maukah kita?
Der Panzer di Era Joachim Loew
Kemesraan Semu
Menangani sebuah tim sepakbola adalah pekerjaan yang menuntut seseorang menguasai berbagai ilmu dalam waktu singkat. Seorang arsitek tim bukan sekadar bisa mengatur strategi, tapi juga wajib menguasai cara berdiplomasi dengan anak buahnya sehingga tercipta keharmonisan.
Banyak yang mengerutkan dahi ketika Joachim Loew ditunjuk sebagai pelatih tim nasional Jerman guna menggantikan Juergen Klinsmann, yang memilih “beristirahat” sejenak seusai Piala Dunia 2006. Namun, keraguan terhadap kemampuan pria berusia 48 tahun itu dalam meracik formula yang tepat bagi timnya mulai pudar kala pasukan Der Panzer sukses melaju ke final Euro 2008.
Kini giliran kemampuan Loew berdiplomasi dengan anak buahnya yang diuji. Walau di lapangan terlihat kompak, faktanya mantan arsitek tim Stuttgart ini sebenarnya tidak mampu menjaga keharmonisan tim yang sudah dipupuk Klinsi.
Sikap Loew yang terlalu keras kepala dan tidak bersedia berkompromi dengan anak buahnya menjadi alasan mengapa banyak pemain senior yang mulai berani memberontak. Sebagian besar pemain yang merupakan langganan tim nasional menganggap Loew tidak menghargai kontribusi mereka bagi tim.
Loew kerap memberikan harapan tinggi bagi para pemain yang kualitasnya sudah teruji. Namun, ujung-ujungnya, ia tak segan mengecewakan mereka dengan dalih memberikan kesempatan bagi pemain muda.
Kevin Kuranyi dan Torsten Frings pernah merasakan pahitnya dikecewakan Loew.
Kuranyi, salah satu bomber tertajam di Bundesliga, dipaksa menjadi penonton dalam duel kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2010 melawan Rusia (11/10). Sebagai aksi protes, striker berusia 26 tahun itu pun bergegas meninggalkan stadion sebelum pertandingan usai.
Di sisi lain, Frings kesal karena Loew tidak menurunkannya dalam duel melawan Rusia dan Wales. Padahal, beberapa hari sebelumnya sang pelatih sempat berjanji bakal memberi kepercayaan penuh kepada gelandang Werder Bremen itu.
Gara-gara perlakuan Loew, Kuranyi dan Frings sempat berniat pensiun dari tim nasional. Kasus ini otomatis mengundang perhatian para pemain senior, termasuk sang skipper, Michael Ballack.
Walau akhirnya Ballack dan Frings setuju untuk meminta maaf, media Jerman percaya bahwa kemesraan yang kembali terjalin antara Loew dan anak buahnya hanyalah semu. Bahkan banyak yang mensinyalir permintaan tersebut hanya sebagai bentuk ketakutan bakal kehilangan tempat di tim nasional.
Pengalaman Ribbeck
Perselisihan antara pelatih versus pemain bukan hal baru di tim nasional Jerman. Delapan tahun silam, Erich Ribbeck terpaksa melepas jabatannya sebagai arsitek tim nasional Jerman gara-gara hubungannya yang buruk dengan anak buahnya sendiri.
Namun, berbeda dengan Loew, yang justru mendepak pemain berpengalaman, Ribbeck justru diam-diam diprotes karena terlalu mengutamakan pemain veteran. Ia memanggil kembali Lothar Matthaeus, Andy Moeller, dan Thomas Haessler, yang sudah memasuki usia pensiun.
Hasilnya Jerman gagal total di Piala Eropa 2000. Mereka bahkan tidak mampu melewati babak penyisihan grup setelah hanya berhasil mengumpulkan satu poin.
Media pun langsung menuding kebijakan Ribbeck sebagai penyebab kegagalan Jerman. Tak lama seusai Euro 2000, pelatih kelahiran 13 Juni 1937 itu akhirnya memilih meninggalkan tim nasional.
Nasib Loew jelas lebih baik ketimbang Ribbeck. Namun, sampai kapan ia akan memimpin dengan gaya diktator tanpa menjaga hubungan baik dengan para pemainnya? (Wieta Rachmatia)
Tidak Suka Tim Cengeng
Semakin digoyang, semakin keras pendirian Joachim Loew. Bahkan arsitek tim nasional Jerman yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai asisten pelatih bagi Juergen Klinsmann itu tidak akan menoleransi pemain yang menggunakan media untuk mengungkapkan kekecewaan.
“Ada kecenderungan para pemain langsung melampiaskan rasa frustrasi karena sebentar duduk di bangku cadangan,” tukas Loew kepada Sport Bild.
“Sungguh tindakan yang salah jika pemain tidak bersedia menerima penjelasan pelatih dan komplain melalui media. Ini situasi yang tidak bisa dibiarkan,” lanjut mantan gelandang serang yang belum pernah memperkuat tim nasional Jerman tersebut.
Loew menilai anak buahnya terlalu cengeng dan egoistis sehingga tidak bisa menganggap diri mereka masing-masing sebagai bagian dari tim.
“Yang penting adalah permainan secara kolektif, bukan penampilan individu. Lihat saja Barcelona. Mereka punya Thierry Henry, Samuel Eto’o, Andres Iniesta, atau Eric Abidal, yang terkadang harus pasrah menjadi pemain cadangan. Tapi, tidak ada yang saling mengkritik,” jelasnya.
Demi mencegah terjadinya kembali pemberontakan, Loew bakal mengadakan pembicaraan dengan semua anak buahnya di Berlin sebelum laga uji coba melawan Inggris. Menurut Loew, semua pemain wajib hadir, termasuk mereka yang terpaksa absen karena cedera.
Selain itu, Loew juga akan membatasi kesempatan para pemainnya untuk berbicara dengan media agar tidak mengganggu persiapan tim menuju Piala Dunia 2010.
“Penting bagi saya untuk meluruskan semua masalah menjelang Piala Dunia 2010,” tegas Loew. (wta)
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