Kristal Hati Itu Bernama INTEGRITAS

Terkadang atau bahkan seringkali kita jumpai dan kita amati sebagian
orang, kita akan mendapati ketidakselarasan antara
kata-kata yang terucap dengan perilaku yang ditampilkan. AHA,
kadang kita menyebutnya mereka dengan pelakon wayang
yang sedang beraksi di atas panggung sandiwara. Dengan lenggak
lenggok lidah menari-nari diiringi gerak tangan gemulai
memainkan sebuah peran.
Perhatikanlah dengan seksama dan gunakan kepekaan hati, kesesuaian
irama suara, gerak tubuh, dan ekspresi wajah kadang,
sering atau selalu tidak menunjukkan keterikatan jiwa dengan raga.
Itulah kenyataan yang mungkin kita temui keseharian entah
sang pelakon orang lain atau diri kita sendiri entah di sekitar
lingkungan maupun dalam pekerjaan entah dengan suami, anak,
istri, rekan kerja, atasan, bawahan, tetangga. Bahkan yang sangat
menyedihkan pada kenyataannya, kita mendapati sebagian
orang yang katanya memiliki pekerjaan mulia menebarkan ilmu
pengetahuan, akhlak mulia, dan kemampuan-kemampuan , yang
mengajarkan bagaimana melakukan nilai-nilai kebajikan, bagaimana
berpikir selalu positif terhadap orang lain, bagaimana mengerti
orang lain dahulu barulah dimengerti, bagaiman bersikap tidak
reaktif, berpikir orang lain menang saya menang, bagaimana
orang lain, dan segudang prinsip-prinsip kebaikan dan kebenaran yang
hakiki, apa yang terjad? APA YANG DILAKUKAN DENGAN APA
Meski banyak orang tak menyadarinya, namun mereka seakan lupa secara
perlahan-lahan orang mulai menyadari kekeliruannya
bahwa mereka bukanlah sosok tauladan yang mesti ditiru. Keasyikan
melakukan ketidaksesuian antara perkataan dan perbuataan secara
tidak sadar membuat lubang menganga perlahan-lahan yang suatu saat
akan menyeret tubuh mereka ke dalamnya. Tak mengherankan
apabila buah yang kita petik saat ini adalah hasil dari benih yang
kita tanam dahulu, karena memang dalam kehidupan SEMUA SELALU
BERHUBUNGAN! Jadi, renungkan kembali tindakan-tindakan di masa lalu
yang turut andil dalam proses pembuahan.
Sebenarnya bukan siraman kata-kata manis dan penyejuk jiwa saja yang
sering dilantunkan dan kita perlukan, melainkan kita butuh sebuah
pijakan kuat untuk mereka memperbaiki diri dengan melihat sosok
tauladan yang ingin kita contoh. Bagaimana mungkin kita mengikuti
yang mereka himbau bila tindakan mereka tidak merefleksikan ucapan
baik yang mereka sampaikan.
Seperti halnya pohon kebenaran agar dapat tumbuh kuat dan berbuah
lebat, ia harus tumbuh di tanah kebenaran pula. Maka ia akan kokoh
tak tergoyahkan oleh amukan badai yang coba-coba menumbangkannya.
Demikian pula dengan kita, agar kebenaran terpancar dari tindakan
dan ucapan kita, ia harus tumbuh dalam pikiran dan hati kebenaran
pula. Maka kita akan memiliki pijakan dan kuda-kuda yang kokoh dalam
menghadapi godaan yang coba-coba meruntuhkan kebenaran kita. Itulah
kristal hati yang bernama INTEGRITAS, yang mengalir selalu bermula
dan bemuara pada kebenaran. (MY)
Buat para suami dan para isteri (tolong diserahkan ke suaminya
yah....), yang masih pacaran, buat diketahui aja.....supaya hubungan
bisa langgeng:-)
10 tips mengantar perempuan berbelanja
-Jangan pernah mengatakan, "Lho, bajunya kan masih banyak!" ,
terutama dalam konteks pakaian pesta. Ketahuilah, seorang perempuan
nggak mungkin mengenakan baju yang sama berulang2 ke pesta2 yang
dihadiri oleh satu komunitas tertentu. Misalnya kalau satu baju
sudah dipakai ke pernikahan teman kantor, baju itu nggak bisa
dipakai ke acara teman kantor lagi.
- Menyarankan berbelanja barang yang lebih murah bisa berakibat Anda
harus menemani ke ITC dan sejenisnya. Ini jauh lebih melelahkan. Jadi
pertimbangkan mana yang lebih menguntungkan: mahal & nyaman di mal
atau murah & lelah di ITC.
- There's no such thing as a pattern dalam mengunjungi toko/counter.
Bisa linear, bisa acak sampai2 kalau ditarik garis akan menyerupai
benang kusut.
- Siapkan kompas dan/atau peta gedung bila perlu, agar nggak
kesulitan mencari pintu keluar.
- Selisih harga Rp.2500,- adalah alasan yang sangat valid untuk
kembali ke toko pertama. Anda sebagai pengantar, harus siap menjawab
di mana lokasi toko pertama tersebut.
- "Cuma lihat2 saja" seharusnya diartikan sebagai, "Cuma lihat2
saja, lalu dicoba sebentar, kemudian dibayar". Jangan pernah
tertipu, apalagi jika Anda berprofesi sebagai penyandang dana.
- Jangan terkecoh dengan tujuan berbelanja. Niat membeli satu kemeja
berarti akan membawa pulang setidaknya satu barang lain. Kemejanya?
Bisa jadi beli juga, tapi seringkali nggak.
- Ingat bahwa sepatu baru memerlukan tas baru yang cocok, dan vice
versa. Bahkan style nabrak pun harus dirancang, seberapa nabrak ..
- Pertanyaan "Bagus nggak?" harus dijawab dengan tepat. Di sini
diperlukan kemampuan membaca pikiran, karena jawaban "Nggak" ketika
sang pembelanja sangat menginginkan barang tersebut, bisa fatal
akibatnya. Jangan sekali2 menjawab dengan "Nggak tau", apalagi asal
jawab biar cepat pulang.
- Pertanyaan "Aku pantas nggak pakai ini?" bisa diikuti dengan
pertanyaan yang paling sulit dijawab di jagat raya: "Kenapa, aku
gemuk ya?". Bersiap2lah dengan jawaban terbaik.
- Persiapkan stamina sebaik2nya. Pembelanja bisa tidur lelap dalam
perjalanan pulang karena kelelahan dan puas (sounds like orgasm,
no?), sementara Anda masih harus menyetir mobil menembus kemacetan.
Memang betul..........makanya, mengapa saya........ gak pernah mau kalau diajak makan di sabang apalagi kalo malam hari pas malam mingguan yang orangnya buanyak banget trus makan di tempat yang rame pengunjung...... contohnya di tukang sate atau soto apa lupa namanya........, KARENA saya pernah liat dengan mata kepala sendiri, makanan sisa dikumpul dan di simpan di piring trus di kasih ke pembeli, kontan... tangan suami saya tarik dan tidak jadi makan........ ih..........ih........... kalo inget .......wuh...........serremmmmmmmmm.. ......menjijikkan.......
Pernah juga saya makan disalah satu stand di blok S, saya melihat salah seorang ibu yang lagi membersihkan sisa-sisa makanan di tempat cucian piring dan mengumpulkan daging sisa dari mangkok soto yang tersisa, setelah itu daging tersebut di cuci ( tapi gak tau apakah airnya bersih atau air cucian piring juga kale..) trus......daging tersebut di masukkan kedalam tempat masak air soto........ih.........kebayang aja kalo makanan itu punya orang yang berpenyakit hepatitis atau yang lainnya...........duh................pantesan aja penyakit jaman sekarang sudah gak pandang bulu.......
Siapa saja di seruduk ......karena sumbernya memang dari makanan sehari-hari yang kita makan, apalagi kalau tempat dan pengolahannya kurang higienis..........Tul gak teman.....
Kemaren pulang kerja gw ke sabang karena kudu cetak foto, maka meluncurlah gw ke sarinah parkir mobil trus jalan kaki menuju sabang.
Abis ngedrop foto, gw kudu ngabisin waktu di sini paling gak 30 menit, jadi gw niatin jalan kaki menuju ujung jalan sabang yang ada FO nya.
Kalo dah sore, trotoar jalan sabang ruame banget
ama pedagang makanan kaki5. Sate yang
katanya sip markuzip... seafood yang maknyuss,
nasi goreng, nasi gila, etc...etc... dan wangi ayam
goreng yang hmm.... bikin lafar... dan ada macem2 soto, gw liat banyak orang lagi nikmati semangkok soto ...yang isinya ceker doang...
karena emang gw gak niat makan disitu... makanya anjing menggonggong kafilah tetap berlalu...hehehe. ..
Nyampe di ujung sabang dengan susah payah karena kadang kita gak bisa jalan ditrotoar karena dipenuhin ama tuh pedagang n kudu jalan di samping trotoar yang banyakmobil sliweran..., ternyata FO nya dah tutup..
ya sutra balik lagi ke tempat foto.
Nah...sepanjang gw jalan bolak balik jl. sabang itu gw sempet liat macem2.... daun slada yang dicuci pake air ...??? (ato masih untung dicuci ya..hehehe.. ), tumpukan sampah disamping peralatan makan...
TAPI... yang paling bikin gw shock itu.... di salah
satu abang yang jual sate, di tempat cuci piringnya (pake beberapa ember), ada tumpukan bekas tusuk sate dan abang itu lagi ngumpulin sisa potongan daging atau sate yang gak abis dimakan sama pengunjung dan dibikin jadi sate lagi... n MUNGKIN tuh sate bekas akan digabung sama sate2 pesenan laennya....ugh. ...
setelah dipanasin n dikasih bumbu kacang..mana kita tau ternyata dicampur sate bekas.... ??????
Bukannya gw sok priyayi atau meng-diskredit- kan makanan kaki5, tapi kita kudu selektif lah milih makanan.... inget umur bo.....hahahaha. .. atau sebelom mutusin makan pa gak... coba deh jalan bolak balik dulu dari ujung ke ujung meninjau... siapa tau pikiran jadi berubah....
Ada yang pernah ngeliat hal spt diatas ?? share plz...
For Business and Professional Speakers - Developing and delivering your speech
by Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE
One of the best ways to promote your product or service and expand your customer base is also one of the cheapest. Interested? It's public speaking. I know this from first hand experience.
When I started out, I had no public speaking experience, but I studied what the professional speakers did. What I learned from watching them helped me develop and deliver my first talk. Here, short and sweet, are some of the best principles and techniques I've learned and developed in speaking for the last two decades, customized for all you shaking-in-your- boots, but-eager-to- enhance-your- business non-speakers.
Why should I give talks?
Talking about what you do is exciting, fun, and great publicity. Then I owned a hairstyling business. I started talking about it at local service organizations like Rotary, Kiwanis, and Optimists, and then for businesses belonging to my clients. My talks increased my hairstyling business. How did I know?
If I spoke at a breakfast meeting, three members of that audience would make appointments for lunchtime the same day. Your results may not be quite as dramatic -- you may be selling cemetery plots, construction equipment, or financial services - but, I guarantee that an effective talk is going to bring you recognition, eventual business, and add to your company's public relations.
What do I talk about?
What do you know that other people want to know? What do you know that other people should know? What are the questions people ask you most often about your business, opinions or life experiences?
If you want the podium to be a vehicle for promoting your product or service, you have an excellent starting point. I wanted people to know how terrific my hair design salon was, but no one is eager to listen to a sales pitch. Instead, I talked about the importance of appearance and about customer service. My speeches were indirectly about my business. I had a drawing of business cards and gave away a free hairstyle to the winner; these business cards could then be added to my salon mailing list. I had at least one person go back and report to their service club about their pleasant experience at my salon.
Who is my audience?
Sometimes you have a topic and have to find the right audiences for it. Other times you're asked to speak but don't know what to talk about. Recently, a friend asked for my help with a talk she had been asked to present. I told her about three vital audience questions to ask yourself as you develop your speech:
* Who will be in my audience?
* How long will my talk be?
* Why have they asked me to speak?
* Consider your audience's needs and desires as you develop every aspect of your speech.
Where do I get material?
This is the question I'm asked most often. You'd think that, after nearly two decades of professional speaking, I'd run out of things to say, but just the opposite is true. I am constantly discovering new material everywhere. Here's how.
1. Review your own experiences.
When top speaker Danny Cox decided to go professional, he went to the beach with a pad and pencil. He reviewed his life, making a list of the experiences and situations that could serve as good (or bad) examples for other people -- high points and low points, failures and successes.
Make a similar list. Include those sudden and stunning bits of insight that come to you in the shower or car. Or maybe you said something to a friend that was particularly funny or memorable. Relive your life and write it all down. Eventually, some of these experiences will become the original stories you use to illustrate a key point in your speech.
2. Start clipping and collecting.
While no audience wants to hear you tell other people's recycled stories, there is one exception. When you read or hear something that makes you laugh, cry or just interests you, clip it out or write it down. File it in a folder, or your word processor. Then share it, along with your own comments and reactions.
3. Keep a journal.
If you're going to be addressing a particular group a few weeks from now, keep a small notebook handy to jot down ideas and situations related to your topic and audience. Then, when you actually sit down to write, you'll have plenty of material.
How do I organize my talk?
There are two basic outlines that work well for the beginning speaker.
1. The Alcoholics Anonymous format.
AA members use this when they stand up and "qualify" their experiences:
* This is where I was.
* This is where I am now.
* This is how I got here.
This simple outline can help you tell the audience who you are and why you are qualified to speak on the topic you've chosen. Here's how we developed my friend's speech. She had been asked to present a 25-minute speech for the local Board of Realtors because of her great success in real estate. I suggested she use the AA outline and open like this: "Twelve years ago, when I went into the real estate business, I had never sold anything but Girl Scout cookies and hadn't done well with that." (This is where I was.) "Last year, I sold $15 million of real estate in a slow market, selling homes that averaged $150,000 each." (This is where I am now.) "Today, I'll tell you how I did that." (This is how I got here.)
2. The Q & A format.
List the questions your prospects, clients, and friends ask you most often about your business. Then open your talk with, "The five questions I am most frequently asked about investments (or engineering or whatever your field is) are..."
Pose the first question to the audience, and answer it for them in a conversational manner, just as you would to a potential customer or someone you meet at a party. You may never have given a speech before, but you certainly have a lot of practice answering these questions.
How do I write my speech?
1. Open with a bang.
The first and last thirty seconds of your speech have the most impact, so give them extra thought, time, and effort. If you haven't hooked your audience's interest, their minds are going to wander off. Whatever you do, don't waste any of your precious seconds with "Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a pleasure to be here tonight." Open with an intriguing or startling statement: "Half the people in this room are going to," "As a young man, my father gave me this valuable advice...," "Of all the questions I am most frequently asked..."
2. Use humor cautiously.
Opening a speech with a joke or funny story is the conventional wisdom, but nothing falls flatter than inappropriate humor. A friend who works at AT&T was convinced a joke was the only way to start a speech. He called me late one night, frantic to find the perfect joke for his boss to use the next day. First, I quizzed him about the theme and purpose of the meeting, then regaled him every related joke I knew. Nothing sounded right to him.
Finally, I asked if his boss was funny. "No!" he answered emphatically. Then, I said, "you're going to make your boss look like an idiot in front of the troops." I suggested opening with an inspirational quote instead. We chose one, and the speech was a great success.
Before you use humor to open your talk, test each possibility by asking:
* Is it appropriate to the occasion and for the audience?
* Is it in good taste?
* Does it relate to me, my product or service, the event, or the group?
* Does it support my topic or its key points?
If you can't answer yes to these questions, choose a different opening. It's safer and more effective to tell the audience what they most want to know from you. For example, I helped a neighbor, Mike Powell, with a speech he was putting together for the Continental Breakfast Club in San Francisco. Mike was a senior scientist with Genentech at the time. I suggested that since most of us don't know what scientists are like or what they do, he should tell the audience what it was like to be a scientist. Mike captured everyone's attention by saying, "Being a scientist is like doing a jigsaw puzzle in a snowstorm at don't have all the pieces...and you don't have the picture you are trying to create."
You can say more with less. Think about your audience. What is the information they want the most from you? If you know your business, you'll be able to predict what their questions will be simply by experience. If you're not sure what a particular audience might want to hear, talk to the program chair ahead of time and get that information.
3. Develop strong supporting stories.
If you're using the Alcoholics Anonymous outline format, the middle of your talk is where you expand on your key points and develop personal stories that support where you were and where you are now. In the Q&A format, develop one or two strong anecdotes to support each answer. Personal anecdotes are best, but you can also insert some of the ideas and examples you've been gathering in your journal or computer.
4. Close on a high note.
Your close should be the high point of your speech. First, summarize the key elements of the investment process (or whatever your topic is). If you're planning to take questions from the audience, say, "Before my closing remarks, are there any questions." Answer them then.
The last thirty seconds of your speech must send people out energized and fulfilled. Finish your talk with something inspirational that supports your theme. My scientist friend Mike talked of the frustrations of being a scientist, and he closed by saying, "People often ask, Why should anyone want to be a scientist?" Then Mike told them about a particularly information- intensive medical conference he had attended. The final speaker rose and said, "I am a thirty-two-year- old wife and mother of two. I have AIDS. Please work fast."
Mike got a standing ovation for his speech. He was telling his audience what they needed to know.
* How do I polish it?
* Your next step is to make a written draft of your speech. You can assemble your notes, or you may prefer to talk your ideas into a tape recorder and transcribe the words. You've still got more work to do. Read your draft over to confirm that it is:
After every point you make, ask yourself, "Who cares?" If no one does, edit it out.
On track
Did you go off on a tangent that doesn't relate to your main theme? Edit it out.
Are you redundant, saying the same thing three ways? Are there cliches like "Without further ado," "that's a tough act to follow," etcetera? Edit out all non-essential words and phrases.
Are your supporting examples strong and on target? If not, replace them.
Does it have a high I-You Factor? Be sure you've connected yourself with your audience by putting them into your speech. If your subject were financial planning, a low I-You Factor would be: "I always pay myself first. Not the recommended 10 percent. I save 20 percent of my gross income." Your audience would probably be rolling their eyes and thinking, "Yeah, right..." But if, instead, you said: "We're all hurting in this economy. That's why saving money is more important than ever. Your goal is to get something -- anything! -- out of each check. Sometimes I can manage to squeeze out up to 10 percent, but I know that even 1 percent is essential if I'm going to maintain the habit of paying myself first. That 1 percent is the difference between winning and losing." You've put your audience in your speech. Instead of scoffing, they are more likely to identify with what you're saying.
Politically correct
"PC" is sometimes overdone, but it is essential. Consider the opening of an address by cartoonist Gary Trudeau at Yale: "...Distinguished faculty, graduating seniors, people of color, colorful people, people of height, the vertically challenged, people of hair, the differently coifed, the optically challenged, the temporarily sighted, the insightful, the out of sight, the homeless, the home boys..." Trudeau was poking fun at political correctness, but if you don't use inclusive language, you may offend and lose part of your audience. The safest (and politest) thing is to call people what they want to be called. Refer to adult females as women. Say "physically challenged" rather than "disabled." Whether you're talking about managing employees, or selling cars, your stories need to reflect a balance of male and female. Remember not all doctors are "he's", not all nurses are "she's." Ask the program chair if there are any terms and phrases you should avoid or include.
Vigorous polishing makes your talk tighter, more powerful, and less likely to bore or irritate your audience.
How do I rehearse?
You've edited and fine-tuned a written version of your talk. Now you're going to practice it. (You may think this is too much trouble, but you'll be glad you did.)
1. Read your talk out loud.
Read your written talk into a tape recorder to get some idea of timing and emphasis. When you are happy with it, go on to step 2.
2. Prepare outline notes.
Even though you've just gone to a great deal of trouble to prepare a written speech, you're NOT going to read it! Nothing puts an audience to sleep faster. Instead, you're going to speak directly and spontaneously to the audience, maintaining essential eye contact. The secret is to prepare easy-to-read notes. Write your key points on a pad or card that you'll keep on the lectern or table. Use a bold felt-tip pen or a large typeface on your laser printer. As you speak, you'll follow your road map with quick glances. An easy-to-read wristwatch or small clock on the lectern lets you keep track of the time so you can speed up or slow down, cut or add material, and you finish on time.
3. Tape your "impromptu" talk.
Again, check for timing. As you play back your tape, notice repetitive phrases and non-words like "er" and "ah." Try again, minus these distracting irritants, until you are speaking smoothly and confidently.
4. Practice in front of an audience.
Ask one or two perceptive people for their feedback. Make it clear that you want constructive criticism, not just praise. Did they understand the points you were making? Was there a lack of logic or continuity? Did they think you spoke too quickly or slowly? Use their feedback to polish your presentation.
Now you're nearly ready to do your talk. You have one more task. Am I done writing now? No. Write your own introduction and bring a printed copy to your talk. Even if you're speaking for free, you want the emcee to pronounce your name right, mention your company's name, and tell people how to get in touch with you. You want all attention on you, so you don't need an introducer who rambles on or tells tired jokes.
If you're not sure what to say about yourself, use your resume as a guide, customized to fit your topic. If you've earned or been honored with impressive designations or awards, let the introducer say so. But don't include your job as a lifeguard in your intro, unless it directly relates to your subject. Don't leave anything to chance. If you're working on a stage, explain to the introducer that you'll come on stage from the wings before they leave the lectern. They need to get off the stage before the audience stops applauding.
This way, the audience looks at you instead of the emcee. You've taken center stage -- now take it away!
Regenerasi Tim Nasional Spanyol
Angkatan 2005 dan 2007 Mulai Masuk
Kesinambungan regenerasi tim nasional Spanyol nyata terlihat dalam skuad terkini Espana, yang sukses di Euro 2008 bersama pelatih Luis Aragones dan yang sekarang sedang berlaga di kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2010 dipimpin Vicente Del Bosque. Beberapa bekas pemain tim nasional junior Spanyol sekarang sudah “naik kelas” dengan sukses ke level senior.
Proses regenerasi itu seperti naik kelas atau naik ke jenjang pendidikan berikut yang sesungguhnya dalam sebuah tahun akademik. Pasukan La Seleccion 2008 sekarang mulai diisi pemain tim junior angkatan 2005 dan 2007. Untuk para anggota angkatan 2005, mereka seperti anak SMA yang sekarang mulai kuliah. Untuk angkatan 2007, mereka seperti naik satu kelas lebih tinggi.
Beberapa pemain Spanyol di Piala Dunia U-20 2005 yang kini menghuni tim nasional adalah Raul Albiol, David Silva, serta Cesc Fabregas. Silva sudah menjadi pemain inti di Euro 2008. Fabregas juga dipercaya menjadi starter di partai final menghadapi Jerman setelah pada laga-laga sebelumnya cuma menjadi pemain pengganti.
Sebagai pelatih baru Spanyol pengganti Aragones, Del Bosque melanjutkan proses regenerasi yang sudah dilakukan pendahulunya di kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2010. Eks arsitek Real Madrid itu memasukkan nama gelandang Diego Capel, salah satu anggota La Roja di Piala Dunia U-20 2007.
Tak cuma memanggil Capel, Del Bosque juga mempromosikan Albiol. Di Euro 2008, pemain Valencia ini hanya menjadi pelapis, tapi sekarang dia dijadikan bek utama Spanyol mendampingi Carles Puyol. Albiol menjalankan peran yang di Euro 2008 dimainkan Carlos Marchena.
Jangan heran kalau teman-teman seangkatan Capel akan menyusul naik kelas dalam waktu dekat. Dalam skuad Spanyol di Piala Dunia U-20 2007, masih ada Gerard Pique, Juan Manuel Mata, Toni Calvo, dan Roberto Canella, yang saat ini lumayan konsisten bermain di level klub.
Lebih Bagus dari Italia
Regenerasi pemain yang terjadi di tim nasional Spanyol adalah salah satu yang terbaik di Eropa. Sebagai bahan perbandingan, sang juara bertahan Piala Dunia, Italia, tidak mampu melakukan proses regenerasi pemain sebagus Espana.
Lihat bagaimana Fabio Cannavaro dalam usia 35 tahun masih terus menjadi andalan di lini belakang. “Keabadiannya” menutup peluang bekas bek-bek Italia U-21 seperti Daniele Bonera atau Domenico Criscito untuk naik kelas ke tim senior lebih cepat.
Lihat juga apa yang dialami Andrea Pirlo. Dia adalah kapten Italia U-21 waktu menjuarai Piala Eropa Junior 2000. Tapi, pemain Milan ini baru mulai mendapat tempat reguler di starting XI Italia senior menjelang Piala Dunia 2006. Terlalu lama dia promosi dari tim junior ke tim senior.
Tengok pula pemain terbaru Italia yang dipanggil Marcello Lippi. Christian Maggio adalah salah satu contoh pemain yang terlambat berkembang. Dia tidak pernah membela tim junior, tapi langsung dipanggil ke tim senior dalam usia sudah 26 tahun.
Ini adalah salah satu bukti program kesinambungan antara tim junior dan senior Italia tidak berjalan sebaik Spanyol. Cukup banyak pemain Italia yang sukses di tim nasional junior tidak bisa langsung melanjutkan kiprahnya di tim nasional senior. (Dwi Widijatmiko)
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